UPSC CSE 2023 Mains GS 2 Paper Model Answers
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GS 2 | UPSC Mains 2023 | Model Answers, Analysis, and Takeaways for 2024 |
Initial Thoughts:
- Overall, GS Paper 2 was on the expected lines. Questions from each section of the syllabus were asked in the UPSC Mains GS Paper 2.
- The static syllabus and current events were properly balanced.
- As stated in the UPSC Syllabus, General Studies Paper 2 was a great blend of Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, and International Relations.
- In the governance and social issues section, the main focus was on schemes and acts, and experts advise aspirants to now keep a track of all the flagship schemes and acts and not just the ones launched in the past year.
- Three out of four questions in the IR section were from recent current affairs, emphasising the importance of current affairs in this area.
Topic | Number of Questions | Maximum Marks |
1. Polity and Constitution | 11 (10×5 & 15×6) | 140 |
2. Governance and Social Justice | 5 (10×3 & 15×2) | 60 |
3. International Relations | 4 (10×2 & 15×2) | 50 |
Total | 20 |
250 |
Section-wise Analysis |
Most of the topics were directly covered from the Samajho's Corner: Static Topics Repository for Mains
SMAP Initiative and Most Important Topics for UPSC Mains 2023
Polity and Constitution |
- Overall Polity and Constitution sections were medium on the difficulty level.
- The questions were straightforward and simple. Even though the questions were easy to score, the topics required a solid conceptual grasp of the constitution and its provisions, as well as some current information on the subject (with examples).
- This section had questions from a range of sub-topics such as the role of the independence of judiciary, NALSA, the British and Indian apporches to parliament, etc.
1. “Constitutionally guaranteed judicial independence is a prerequisite of democracy”. Comment. 10
Topic in the syllabus: Structure, Organization and Functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary;
Covered in Polity SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
2. Who are entitled to receive free legal aid? Assess the role of the National Legal Services Authority(NALSA) in rendering free legal aid in India. 10
Topic in the syllabus: Structure, Organization and Functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary;
Covered in Polity SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
3. “The states in India seem reluctant to empower urban local bodies both functionally as well as financially.” Comment. 10
Topic in the syllabus: Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States, Issues and Challenges Pertaining to the Federal Structure, Devolution of Powers and Finances up to Local Levels and Challenges Therein.
Covered in Polity SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
4. Compare and contrast the British and Indian approaches to Parliamentary sovereignty. 10
Topic in the syllabus: Comparison of the Indian Constitutional Scheme with that of Other Countries.
Covered in Polity SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
5. Discuss the role of Presiding Officers of state legislatures in maintaining order and impartiality in conducting legislative work and in facilitating best democratic practices. 10
Topic in the syllabus: Parliament and State Legislatures—Structure, Functioning, Conduct of Business, Powers & Privileges and Issues Arising out of these.
Covered in Polity SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
11. ”The Construction of India is a living instrument with capabilities of enormous dynamism. It is a constitution made for a progressive society”. Illustrate with special reference to the expanding horizons of the right to life and personal liberty. 15
Topic in the syllabus: Indian Constitution—Historical Underpinnings, Evolution, Features, Amendments, Significant Provisions and Basic Structure.
Covered in Polity SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
12. Explain the constitutional perspectives of Gender Justice with the help of relevant Constitutional Provisions and case laws. 15
Topic in the syllabus: Indian Constitution—Historical Underpinnings, Evolution, Features, Amendments, Significant Provisions and Basic Structure.
Covered in Polity SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
13. Account for the legal and political factors responsible for the reduced frequency of using Article 356 by the Union Governments since mid 1990s. 15
Topic in the syllabus: Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States, Issues and Challenges Pertaining to the Federal Structure, Devolution of Powers and Finances up to Local Levels and Challenges Therein.
Covered in Polity SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
14. Discuss the contribution of civil society groups for women’s effective and meaningful participation and representation in state legislatures in India. 15
Topic in the syllabus: Parliament and State Legislatures—Structure, Functioning, Conduct of Business, Powers & Privileges and Issues Arising out of these.
Covered in Polity SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
15. Explain the significance of the 101st Constitutional Amendment Act. To what extent does it reflect the accommodative spirit of federalism? 15
Topic in the syllabus: Parliament and State Legislatures—Structure, Functioning, Conduct of Business, Powers & Privileges and Issues Arising out of these.
Covered in Polity SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
16. Explain the structure of the Parliamentary Committee system. How far have the financial committees helped in the institutionalization of Indian Parliament? 15
Topic in the syllabus: Parliament and State Legislatures—Structure, Functioning, Conduct of Business, Powers & Privileges and Issues Arising out of these.
Covered in Polity SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
Governance and Social Justice |
- The questions from Governance and Social Justice ranged from moderate to easy. The static syllabus and current events were properly balanced.
- Almost all questions were along expected lines, and nothing unusual was asked.
6. The crucial aspect of development process has been the inadequate attention paid to Human Resource Development in India. Suggest measures that can address this adequacy. 10
Topic in the syllabus: Issues Relating to Development and Management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.
Covered in GS2 SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
7. Discuss the role of the Competition Commission of India in containing the abuse of dominant position by the Multi-National Corporations in India. Refer to the recent decisions. 10
Topic in the syllabus: Government Policies and Interventions for Development in various sectors and Issues arising out of their Design and Implementation.
Covered in GS2 SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
8. E-governance, as a critical tool of governance, has ushered in effectiveness, transparency and accountability in governments. What inadequacies hamper the enhancement of these features? 10
Topic in the syllabus: Important Aspects of Governance, Transparency and Accountability, E-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential; Citizens Charters, Transparency & Accountability and institutional and other measures.
Covered in GS2 SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
17. “Development and welfare schemes for the vulnerable, by its nature, are discriminatory in approach.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. 15
Topic in the syllabus: Welfare Schemes for Vulnerable Sections of the population by the Centre and States and the Performance of these Schemes; Mechanisms, Laws, Institutions and Bodies constituted for the Protection and Betterment of these Vulnerable Sections.
Covered in GS2 SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
18. Skill development programs have succeed in increasing human resources supply to various sectors. In the context of the statement analyze the linkages between education, skill and employment. 15
Topic in the syllabus: Issues Relating to Development and Management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.
Covered in GS2 SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
International Relations |
- This section's questions were also on the expected lines. Almost all the questions were current affairs based, straightforward and easy to score.
9. 'Virus of Conflict is affecting the functioning of the SCO’. In the light of the above statement, point out the role of India in mitigating problems. 10
Topic in the syllabus: Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings and Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.
Covered in GS2 IR SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
10. Indian diaspora has scaled new heights in the West. Describe its economic and political benefits for India. 10
Topic in the syllabus: Effect of Policies and Politics of Developed and Developing Countries on India’s interests, Indian Diaspora.
Covered in GS2 IR SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
19. The expansion and strengthening of NATO and a stronger US-Europe strategic partnership works well in India.’ What is your opinion about this statement? Give reasons and examples to support your answer. 15
Topic in the syllabus: Important International Institutions, agencies and fora – their Structure, Mandate.
Covered in GS2 IR SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
20. ‘Sea is an important Component of the Cosmos’. Discuss in the light of the above statement the role of the IMO(International Maritime Organisation) in protecting environment and enhancing maritime safety and security
Topic in the syllabus: Important International Institutions, agencies and fora – their Structure, Mandate.
Covered in GS2 IR SMP NOTES and Samajho's Corner.
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